When somebody mentioned it to me, I thought this was a hoax. It’s not. The USA Today headline: “Abortions at the DNC? Planned Parenthood bus providing no-cost service and vasectomies: The organization posted on X that it will provide free medication abortion, emergency contraceptives and vasectomies through its mobile health bus Monday and Tuesday.”
That means fewer Democrat voters starting 18 years from now. If Republicans were cynical, they would subsidize such clinics at voting centers in heavily Democrat precincts.
I’ve watched much of the Democratic National Convention, and numerous women are wearing t-shirts with a picture of a pill and the word “Mifepristone.” That’s the abortion drug, RU-486. Decades ago, pro-lifers said it meant “R U 4 86-ing babies.”
Speaker after speaker is obsessed with pushing abortion on every state, with no limits of any kind. It’s the main thing they believe in.
It was disconcerting to me, as an old pro-lifer, to see all the Democrat black politicians pushing abortion. They used to be reluctant to do so, or even opposed to abortion. That’s because blacks are 13% of the U.S. population, but according to the CDC, get 42% of the abortions. That is, black babies are wiped out at three times the national rate. Genocide, anyone?
Yet I watched the DNC as Rep. Jim Clyburn, who in 2020 brought the nomination to Joe Biden, pushed the abortion of his own people. And Sen. Raphael Warnock, a Baptist pastor, also called for killing black babies at triple the rate of other races.
I’ve been a pro-life activist since 1972, when we defeated a pro-abortion measure in Michigan. Then the absurd Roe decision was handed down two months later on Jan. 22, 1973, a date that shall live in infamy. The Dobbs decision was handed down in June 2022, revoking Roe. Michigan that fall then passed a pro-abortion measure. That history how much America changed over those 50 years.
We fought and fought and fought, as you’re supposed to do in Our Democracy, to reverse Roe and restore the Constitution. We did. It went back to the states. But despite some victories in Southern and Midwestern states, the battle in the end was lost.
Now it’s just a demographic battle, with the Democrats finishing off their own people, while importing new voters – to the delight of rich Republicans, who get cheap labor to boost profits.
As to the rest of us, who just want to live in a reasonable country that protects borders and babies. Well, why should we matter?
If your goal is genocide, it is always helpful to find victims that will facilitate it.
A sad but accurate commentary. So much for learning from our experiences! Dividing Americans and pitting us against one another has been and remains an effective political strategy. A "Zero Sum" game in a military national security sense and also in a competitive global economy.