Some pro-lifers are in a pother about President Trump supposedly abandoning the pro-life cause. I’ve been a pro-lifer my whole life. Fought the battles in the trenches since 1972, when in Michigan we defeated a pro-abortion Measure on the ballot when I was 17.
Here’s what this is about now, only: The Supreme Court. If Kamala wins, she will pack the court with pro-aborts, who will bring back Roe v. Wade – forever.
Stay focused!
On abortion, electing Trump only is about keeping the 2022 Dobbs decision revoking the murderous and anti-constitutional Roe monstrosity. Sure, he says a lot of stuff. But he always says a lot of stuff.
I always say: Don’t trust what politicians say, only what they do. Here’s the record:
· Republican President Nixon: 2 pro-abort justices, 1 pro-life.
· Republican President Ford: 1 pro-abort justice.
· Republican President Reagan: 2 pro-abort justices, 1 pro-life justice.
· Republican President George H.W. Bush: 1 pro-abort justice, 1 pro-life justice.
· Republican President George W. Bush: 1 pro-abort justice, 1 pro-life justice.
· Republican President Trump: 3 pro-life justices.
Only Trump got the job done.
One mistake many pro-lifers are falling back into is being obsessed over passing a national abortion ban. That’s just not going to happen. Don’t waste your time. So long as Roe is not reimposed, the battle will always be at the state level, except for such important exceptions as banning abortion on federal lands and in the VA and military hospitals.
In the 1970s and 1980s, pro-lifers split into two warring factions over whether to push the Hatch Amendment or the Helms Amendment. I can’t remember which was which and I certainly won’t waste time looking them up. One was a Constitutional amendment to totally ban abortion. The other was a Constitutional amendment to return abortion to the states – what happened with the Dobbs decision. Each side accused the other of “not wanting to protect the babies” – as some are doing now with Trump.
But it’s nearly impossible to amend the Constitution. The last ratified amendment, the 27th, banning changes in congressional salaries during a current session, was submitted to Congress in 1789 and ratified in 1992 – 202 years later.
In the 1990s, the movement finally realized the battle was at the state level. Pro-lifers started pushing restrictions, such as banning the grisly, demonic “partial-birth abortion,” and had some success. The Federalist Society also came into its own, not as being explicitly pro-life, but favoring the clear wording of the Constitution, which in this case says nothing about abortion, except in the 10th Amendment: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”
When Trump came along, he made a deal with the pro-lifers: Elect me, and I’ll turn court nominations over to the Federalist Society. It worked. He kept his promise. The other five Republican presidents did not.
Now some pro-lifers stupidly are attacking Trump because he won’t pass some purity test. There is only one test: Did he get the job done and repeal Roe, when none of the other five Republican presidents could do it?
Don’t waste your time on this, but keep fighting at the state and local levels. That’s the gift to pro-lifers, and the babies, from Trump – if you can keep it.
The earliest stage of any unique mammal is the fertilized egg, called a zygote by biologists and geneticists. A zygote has the same genome as the fetus, and the fetus the same as a newborn baby, and the newborn baby as an adult. If the value of each human being is equal, then so are the stages of each individual, making abortion into murder before birth.
Dr. Anthony Levatino explains this more clearly than anyone else has at