Two events. 1. Minneapolis burning in the summer of 2020 during the George Floyd riots under Gov. Tim Walz. 2. Kamala Harris’ Aug. 6 call, with Walz at her side, for banning “assault weapons.”
Here’s a video of the burning of the Third Police Precinct.
Remember that? The corrupt media put it down the Memory Hole. It’s what Harris-Walz have in store for your neighborhood starting on January 20, 2025.
And in the video below, starting around 1:16, Harris, with Walz next to her, mentions Walz is a gun owner and hunter and as governor backed “reasonable” gun-safety laws, the code phrase for the early phases of complete gun control. Then she insists, “We are finally going to pass universal background checks, red flag laws and an assault weapons ban.”
Harris-Walz are pushing what is called “anarcho-tyranny,” a term coined by the late political philosopher Sam Francis. The anarchy is the Minneapolis rioting. The tyranny is grabbing the guns of law-abiding people. Francis called it “the combination of oppressive government power against the innocent and the law-abiding and, simultaneously, a grotesque paralysis of the ability or the will to use that power to carry out basic public duties such as protection or public safety. And, it is characteristic of anarcho-tyranny that it not only fails to punish criminals and enforce legitimate order but also criminalizes the innocent.”
Apparently, Harris-Walz are seeking to increase their margin of victory in California from 66% to 68%. But here’s where it won’t sell: in hunting and gun country – Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, all battleground states.
Here is a ranking of these the Top 5 states for registered deer hunters in 2017:
Not too many in Arizona. But it’s state of gun nuts. The Wild, Wild West. John Wayne. Tombstone. Shootout at the OK Corral.
“Harris bets on Walz as running mate to draw in more working-class voters,” runs the front-page headline in the printed Financial Times. But when I was growing up near Detroit, the first day of the deer hunting season was a holiday in the auto industry. They knew the line workers would be calling in “sick,” so they just made the best of it. I checked. It still is a holiday. Page Six: “New York-based employees of Ford, General Motors, Cadillac and other Detroit automakers had Friday off for an unorthodox holiday — the first day of deer hunting season in Michigan, a serious pastime for state residents, including those in the Motor City.”
Let’s now knock down Harris’ three gun-control planks:
1. “Universal background checks”: a RAND Corporation study found “evidence of the effect of private-seller background checks on firearm homicides is inconclusive.” Criminals don’t submit to background checks.
2. “Red flag laws”: Unfortunately, last June they were upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court, a departure from its recent bolstering of Second Amendment rights; as in the 2022 Bruen decision, which upheld a personal right to carry a concealed firearm. Again, criminals don’t follow “red flag” or other gun-control laws.
Justice Clarence Thomas properly dissented, “The court and government do not point to a single historical law revoking a citizen’s Second Amendment right based on possible interpersonal violence. Yet, in the interest of ensuring the Government can regulate one subset of society, today’s decision puts at risk the Second Amendment rights of many more.”
3. “Assault weapons ban”: Anyone who knows anything about guns knows “assault weapons” are just mean-looking rifles. The Democrats did pass a 10-year ban in August 1994, the Feinstein Bill, sponsored by the late California senator. Joe Biden many times has bragged about passing it as the head of the Senate Judiciary Committee. When he still was running for president, he would insist, “And we’ll pass it again!”
After President Clinton signed the bill on Sept. 13, less than two months later, on Nov. 8, 1994, Democrats lost majorities in both the House and the Senate for the first time in three decades. The Feinstein Bill was one of several reasons the Dems lost, including fallout over the Hillarycare Socialized Medicine fiasco, Clinton’s tax increases and good campaign organization by future House Speaker Newt Gingrich and other Republicans. But after that, Clinton never touched gun control – and won re-election in 1996.
A 2022 summary on the Mises Institute headlined, “Bans on ‘Assault’ Weapons Do Not Reduce Crime.” It quoted research by Max Duwe, who showed mass shootings are “roughly as common now as they were in the 1980s and ’90s.” Here’s a graph. Notice the black line, the five-year moving average, which averages about 1.5 mass public shootings per 100 million people.
A 2013 study found state bans also had no provable benefits. A big problem for the “assault weapons” banners is, although such guns are used in high-profile shootings that make the news, the vast majority of homicides are committed with handguns.
Everybody knows where the Harris-Walz gun control really will lead: to comprehensive UK-Canada-style gun control. She would appoint to the Supreme Court “justices” who would reverse the 1988 Heller and 2022 Bruen decisions affirming our Second Amendment “right to keep and bear arms.”
The problem for them then would be how to grab all 350 million guns in the country. They obviously couldn’t do it. There aren’t enough federal officers, combined, to fan out and raid tens of millions of homes. Except in Connecticut, local sheriffs are elected and would be voted out of office if they participated.. Likewise, local police chiefs answer to elected city councils.
I have a saying: Second Amendment, First Freedom. Because as the UK and Canada show, if your guns are taken away, you are disarmed when they come to take away all your other freedoms. On Nov. 5, we’ll see if Americans want to remain free or submit to the yoke of Harris-Walz anarcho-tyranny.
Outstanding John! So simple and clear that even a progressive could understand it. Not that it's needed, but I would add New Zealand to the list.