Nikki Haley Wants to Gulag Hamilton, Madison and Jay
The Central Regime Establishment now is pushing Nikki Haley as the alternative to Trump. Ron DeSantis has fallen from favor for not doing well in the polls, not backing the Ukraine War, and not being charismatic. Ed Kilgore in the New Yorker is typical, “Haley Is on the Brink of Croaking DeSantis.”
But I suspect Ron will do much better after his debate with California Gov. Gavin Newsom on Nov. 30. Newsom is slick, but his policy disasters are a target-rich environment. Ironically, however it goes off, the debate probably also will raise his profile among Democrats as the Biden’s heir apparent, something visible at the recent APEC Summit, if you looked closely. Check out my Epoch Times article on that.
And didn’t Haley promise she never would run against Donald Trump?
Haley just called for banning anonymous speech on the internet. “Every person on social media should be verified,” she said. That would mean a vast increase in government control of our lives. It also would be a direct violation of the First Amendment right against “abridging freedom of speech, or of the press.”
Our country was founded due to pro-Constitution propaganda by anonymous social media writers Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay. Of course I’m referring to the Federalist Papers. Hamilton especially was a lightning rod of controversy. So the writers thought best to keep their names secret. The Anti-Federalists did the same. Haley would gulag them all.
I’m reading a novelization of the debate on the Constitution just published by a friend of mine, Chuck DeVore. He’s a former California Assemblyman from Orange County who around 20 years ago had the good sense to leave California for Texas. It’s called “The Crisis of the House Never United” and begins with the assumption the Constitution never was ratified. We see the debates and the finagling, especially between Anti-Federalist Aaron Burr and Hamilton, and such actions as the states fighting trade wars with one another and England. It’s an entertaining way to get into the history of those days.
But without those anonymous debates, there never would have been a United States as we know it. Libertarians and others like to say we would have been more free with the states remaining separate. Perhaps. But the USA also might have been cut up by Great Britain, France and Spain.
As to Haley’s attack on our freedoms, she’s taking a leftist position about regulating “hate speech,” which never is defined. It’s similar to what they’re doing in Europe – as if the European powers really did conquer us c. 1800. It’s just un-American. Our way is to fight it out with words in the public square, come what may.
Another problem is: Who would “verify” those online? It would require another vast government bureaucracy to do so. And who would control it? The same people who control all the other vast government bureaucracies: leftists.
They would go after their enemies the way the government already. Such as AG Merrick “Vyshinsky” Garland persecuting Doug Mackey for anonymous jokes about Hillary Clinton. Mackey was convicted by a kangaroo court and soon will be gulag’d. Tucker Carlson recently interviewed him.
It’s true the giant social media companies are a threat to Our Democracy. But the Twitter Files showed the real problem is not anonymous speech, but the deep involvement of the federal government, especially the FBI/KGB, in censoring and controlling speech. If we ever get a Republican president again, he should order the intelligence agencies to stop interfering in our political process. And the Republican Congress, if it ever gets its act together, needs to hold hearings to uncover the extent of the Social Media Company-Intel Community collusion.
Haley last was governor of South Carolina in 2017. So she’s lost contact with real Americans, if she ever had it. She became Trump’s U.N. ambassador, his worst appointment in a sea of them. She threw in with the neocon warmongers. After two years, as Vivek Ramaswamy pointed out in the last debate, she quit to make money working for Boeing, a major defense contractor. She became a Master of War. She has floated in D.C. neocon circles ever since.
She’s another one who’s all for war, war, war, yet never served in the military. She mentions her husband did. Well, my late father served as a captain in the U.S. Army over in the European Theater and helped Ike, whom he met once, win the war. So can I say I beat Hitler?
She has no idea what real Americans want. How we no longer want these absurd wars that cost trillions. How we want free speech and honest elections. How we want to repair our battered communities here, not send our money and young troops abroad “searching for monsters to destroy,” as President John Quincy Adams put it.
The only reason she’s where she is in the polls is DeSantis has run a desultory campaign and should have taken the lead in opposing the Ukraine War, which now even the Establishment admits is a “stalemate,” Establishment-speak for a defeat. Which I’ve been saying all along would happen.
Her only chance at the nomination is if the Democrats convict Trump on one of the ludicrous charges, gulags him, and the Republican National Committee throws him off the ticket, switching her in. Then she’ll get 20% in the general election.
Most Republicans will say, using my favorite Goldwynism: Include me out.