Are you finding it hard to make ends meet because Bidenflation pushed up prices 25% or more? Then you’re a racist. Are you backing Donald Trump because he’ll cut inflation? Then you’re doubly a racist, and he is too.
So propagandizes a New York Times “news” article by “reporter” German Lopez on recent Harvard research on economic gaps among the races. It begins:
A common theory about Donald Trump’s appeal is that working-class white people feel they fell behind as other groups pulled ahead. He recognized the sentiment and spoke to those voters’ concerns.
It turns out that those concerns are grounded in real economic changes, a new study from Harvard researchers shows. The researchers analyzed census and tax records covering 57 million children to look at people’s ability to rise to the middle and upper classes — their mobility — over two recent generations. They found that it had improved among Black people and deteriorated among poor white people, as this chart by my colleague Ashley Wu shows:
It adds further down:
The researchers did not find significant changes for other racial groups…. The study also found that white people born into high-income families have seen their mobility improve — meaning the drop in mobility is restricted to the white working class.
Almost all white folks I know, including myself, would say: “It’s fantastic blacks are doing better; I hope they continue making progress to close the income gap; but my family can’t get by under Bidenflation.”
Lopez again: Trump “has tapped into the resentment many white voters feel toward people of other races with his inflammatory and at times racist rhetoric, such as when he suggested Barack Obama was not born in the U.S.”
That’s a lie. Actually, Trump dropped that inquiry once it was shown Obama was born in Hawaii. He actually did Obama and the country a favor by ferreting out the birth certificate. Otherwise an aura of illegitimacy would hang over the Obama presidency. Moreover, there’s nothing wrong with making sure a candidate, or the president himself, meets the constitutional reqirements, which are minimal: born here, age 35 or older, not president already for two terms.
Then there’s this. To get a Secret or Top Secret Clearance in the U.S. State Department, according to its website, one requirement is: “COPY OF BIRTH CERTIFICATE: A copy of your birth certificate should be sent in with the package. Do not send in the original.” The U.S. Military also requires, “Birth Certificate (necessary for security clearance).” The president is the head of the State Department and the Commander-In-Chief of the U.S. military. If a private must show his birth certificate to get a Top Secret clearance, shouldn’t the president?
And Lopez didn’t not report this, from The Hill in 2016:
Patti Solis Doyle, who was Hillary’s campaign manager until the Iowa caucuses in 2008, admitted first in a tweet and second in a CNN interview that a Hillary staffer first spread the birther issue. While the staffer was fired, the termination happened after the cat was let out of the bag. Patient Zero, thus, was a member of Team Hillary.
So, is Hillary a racist, too, Mr. Lopez?
Moreover, questioning the birth status of candidates is nothing new in American politics. I remember in 1968 Michigan Gov. George Romney, Mitt’s pa, came under question because he was born in Mexico to American-citizen parents who were Mormon missionaries. His presidential campaign imploded quickly for other reasons and the issue became moot.
In 2008, Sen. John McCain’s birth status came up because he was born in the Panama Canal Zone when his father, a U.S. Navy officer and later a decorated admiral, was stationed there. McCain lost. But had he won, there likely would have been a lawsuit.
And in 2016, Sen. Ted Cruz was questioned about being born in Canada to American-citizen parents. His campaign fizzled and the issue was dropped.
Were those who questioned the birth bona fides of Romney, McCain and Cruz racists, Mr. Lopez?
Lopez again, on the Harvard economic data: “Of course, the evidence does not justify racial resentment.” What racial resentment? Last I checked, Biden himself is whiter than I am. And the problem is Biden’s horrible policies. Also those of Gov. Gavin Newsom, which have boosted prices here in California even more than in the rest of the country. Newsom also is white. The only California governor not considered white by today’s classifications was Republican José Antonio Romualdo Pacheco back in 1899. Under him, taxes here were low and regulations minimal. Maybe it was the elaborate facial hair guys favored back in those days.
Here are the governors who raised my taxes and slowed housing development, forcing up mortgages and rents: Republicans Pete Wilson and Arnold Schwarzenegger and Democrats Jerry Brown and Gavin Newsom. All white.
Trump has tapped into many white voters’ fears that they have been left behind while other lawmakers, particularly Democrats, have focused on policies that help minority groups. The Harvard study helps show why Trump has been able to do that.
What a fraud the NY Times is, and always has been. So people are upset because they can’t make ends meet, due to the Bidenflation – and Lopez maintains it creates “white voters’ fears”? If whites were starving in the streets, which they soon may be, joined by everybody else, the Times would brand their cries for food “resentment.”
Aren’t you tired of all this racial fearmongering? And tired of the NY Times and the other Mainstream Media, as well as Biden, Kamala Harris, Newsom and so many other Democrats, dividing Americans so they can rule us with ever-more dictatorial repressions?
If Harris wins, they’ll get away with it again.
Bidenflation won't go away after he is out of office if the Congress continues to increase the national debt by a trillion dollars every 100 days or so, as they have been since he took office.