America's military has been reduced to a poorly-paid mercenary operation with inadequate resources and public relations based on ignorant jingoism. Those who re-up deserve what they get.

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Interesting take. Having known a lot of guys who re-up'd, they do so for a lot of reasons, including needing to support their families. They don't deserve to get what Biden is giving them even if they stay in.

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Treason is defined in the Constitution at Article 3, Section 3, as consisting "only in levying War against (the United States), or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."

All members of the American military take an oath to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; (and to) bear true faith and allegiance to the same."

When the military is committed to foreign actions without a declaration of war by Congress, as required by Article 1, Section 8, Paragraph 11 of the Constitution, that is a violation of the Constitution, arguably the action of domestic enemies.

When a member of the military participates in an unconstitutional foreign military deployment, s/he violates both the Constitution and his/her oath to "support and defend" it, giving "aid and comfort" to it's "domestic enemies," committing treason by the definition given by the Constitution.

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Not sure what you mean. The Constitution hasn't been followed on war since Korea. Only Congress could enforce what you wrote against the president. But Congress is complicit by always passing the funding bills. Nuclear weapons also give the president such immense power no constitution could bind him. Just the way it is.

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I guess it is too scary to read and understand.

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I wish they would follow it. But how do you adopt it to the nuclear age when the president can blow up the world in 26 minutes? And how can you get rid of the unconstitutional Social Security and Medicare programs without the seniors starving, or starting a revolution?

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How could any president blow up the world in 26 minutes when it would take that long for him to read the binder in the football?

They could do the same thing to Americans as the Zionist are doing to the Gazans, given that both groups are poorly prepared to survive tyrannical genocide.

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