Yesterday’s Republican Debate and the End of Democracy
Two preliminaries: 1. Trump is the only Republican who can win the presidency. He has too many MAGA followers who won’t vote for anybody else. If he’s not on the ballot, for whatever reason, any other Republican candidate won’t be able to get enough Republican votes, let alone Democrats, to win. Because MAGA will stay home.
2. Although not entirely impossible, it’s virtually impossible for Trump to beat the Democrat, whether it’s Biden or, more likely, Newsom. If Trump is even allowed on the ballot, he’ll simply be outspent. And this time, the Fake News won’t give him a lot of free publicity as a lark.
You can see this from Tuesday’s election results. People are blaming Republicans for having a bad message, or being on the wrong side of abortion with Ohio’s Issue 1, etc. But here is the simple fact: In Ohio the Democrat pro-aborts simply outspent the pro-lifers, $38.3 million to $27.5 million just on Issue 1. That’s 39% more. Ninny voters were brainwashed.
Here are the major pro-abort donors you can see at the link above: Sixteen Thirty Fund, a shadowy “dark money” fund financed by America’s corrupt billionaires, few even from Ohio. Lynn Schusterman, a nutty leftist from Tulsa, not Ohio, who’s spending her late oil magnate husband’s billions on promoting abortion. The Open Society Policy Center, a Soros anti-American outfit. The American Civil Liberties Union, which no longer even defends free speech. Planned Parenthood Action Fund, which profits from the little murders.
I’m sorry, folks, but America is run by a corrupt billionaire class.
As to the debate, so-called, the best comment came from Vivek Ramaswamy when he blasted the NBC moderators for perpetrating the Russia Hoax for three years. He should have stormed off the stage. If he had, that would be the only thing anybody remembered.
But he was right. The Russia Hoax eventually was disproven by the Mueller Report. Then the Durham Report revealed it was cooked up by Hillary and the FBI. Russiagate prevented Trump from negotiating with Putin for nuclear arms reduction and keeping Ukraine neutral. Instead, Trump was forced to adopt the anti-Russia narrative that has brought us closer than ever to nuclear annihilation.
A big problem with the debate is the two main issues discussed, the Ukraine War and the Israel Hamas War, almost certainly will be resolved one way or another before the next president is inaugurated on Jan. 20, 2025 – more than 14 months from now. The discussion should have been on negotiating the peace after those wars end. And more time should have been devoted on you not being able to pay the bills and the shocking deterioration of this country. But the millionaire moderators have no idea what you suffer.
Especially psychotic, as expected, was the shrill, unelectable Nikki Haley. She wants a war with Iran. OK, here’s what would happen. This isn’t the Iran of 1990, which Saddam almost defeated. Iran’s population today has doubled, they graduate almost as many engineers every year as the United States, and they’ve spent 33 years getting ready for a face-off with the Great Satan, the United States.
They don’t have nukes, but they have tens of thousands of missiles that could a) sink America’s aircraft carriers; b) kill thousands of Americans at our bases in the area; c) stop all shipping in the Straits of Hormuz, through which 30% of the world’s oil passes, sending the price of oil to $200 and the price at the pump to $20, crashing the U.S. economy; d) kill tens of thousands of Israelis, who would respond by nuking Iran, followed maybe by American ally Pakistan nuking Israel.
Do you see why we need negotiations, not Biden’s brain-dead belligerence?
Some other takeaways:
DeSantis wants to increase the 280 ship Navy to 600 ships, like in the 1980s under Reagan. Where’s that $500 billion a year coming from? Like so many Republicans, he’s nostalgic for the 1980s.
Christie and some of the others want to ban TikTok. They just lost Generation Z.
Christie and Haley want to raise the retirement age to “save” Social Security. They just lost seniors.
Would their schemes only affect young people? Try selling that. Bush tried it in 2005, saying in his awkward way he wanted to use some of his “political capital” from his recent victory. Republican presidential candidates haven’t won above 50% of the vote since. Of course, the money “saved” from these schemes would go to “defense,” that is, the Military Industrial Complex, for all these neocon wars. The Masters of War would profit.
America is becoming a one-party state like California. Next year, democracy is going to be shackled and dumped in a jail cell next to Trump.